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IRT Memorial MF Ricardo da Silva Teixeira

Last update 02.12.2024 18:01:39, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

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Starting rank

1CNMFelipe Guimaraes De Souza6871844700229BRA20592060AFLUX - RJ
2David Teles Yunes323252122251BRA19842022CXMEIER - RJ
3NMMatheus Braga Dias4924522714405BRA19652031FFC - RJ
4NMGuilherme Correa Abreu51242104830BRA19401952MG
5Gilvan Nobrega Dos Santos13032129604BRA18921929NXN - RJ
6Thiago L Verbicario Dos Santos6317544700245BRA18701866NXN - RJ
7Marcio Rosa Fernandes426382196077BRA17941817NXN - RJ
8Mauro Machado De Carvalho7775544742894BRA17121774CXMEIER - RJ
9Valerio Dos Santos Lourenco424242173972BRA17021800ALEX - RJ
10ACMLeopoldo Tetsuo Ishida390852153289BRA16881727SP
11Victor Da Silva Vargas6903244700423BRA16461715NXN-RJ
12Antonio Sampaio Peres Neto93495BRA01800RJ